Daniel 5:1 - Sermon Bible Commentary

Bible Comments

Daniel 5:1 , Daniel 5:6; Daniel 5:25; Daniel 5:28-30

The case of Belshazzar may be fairly assumed as a case of clear and powerful conviction of sin which did not result in the soul's salvation. There is a class of men who suffer for years under hopeless and fruitless convictions of sin. There are certain truths which one who is living in the state of mind here described needs especially to consider:

I. One is, that the suffering which accompanies hopeless conviction of sin is no more than a sinner deserves.

II. One who suffers under unavailing convictions of sin should see that it is no proper effect of religion to produce such convictions. The legitimate tendency of piety in the soul is all benignant.

III. A third truth which should command the faith of one who endures ineffectual convictions of sin is, that God is a sinner's Friend.

IV. One who labours under fruitless convictions needs to see that the chief obstacle to his salvation is not the want of a more perfect understanding of the theory of conversion.

V. The chief obstacle to the termination of fruitless convictions in peace with God is to be found in some plain, practical affair of character and real life.

A. Phelps, The Old Testament a Living Book,p. 244.

Daniel 5:1

1 Belshazzar the king made a great feast to a thousand of his lords, and drank wine before the thousand.